back to normal (?)

I stepped away from my career. In fact I had a final interview for a Director job with a big salary and all the things and I was pretty certain they were going to offer me the job and I took myself out of the running. I couldn’t imagine returning back to normal with the long commute, neglecting my health and well-being and being so completely burnt out that I no longer felt joy.

I gave up a lot of things to pursue being a Life Coach, including a stable income and really good benefits. I’m not going to lie, it’s been challenging and my safety net is really tiny. But I’ve gained so much more. I’ve gained a job where I get to help people grow and change. I am able to work from home and avoid the commute. I take a break in the afternoon and go for a walk.

Yet, I notice around me that the world is returning to normal and I’m not sure that is a good thing. Living through a worldwide pandemic has been a horrible experience and I grieve for the lives we lost. Except, we gained some things too. Many of us who commuted gained almost 2-3 hours back each day to do things that are meaningful to us- taking a walk, crafting, reading or spending time with friends and family. I think we all gained a greater appreciation for nature and for our local parks. I know I gained a delightful, slightly chaotic pet bunny named Sweetie. I reconnected with friends. I recuperated and recovered from extreme burnout (which FYI took about 9 months). I started to feel joy again.

I just ask that we consider something we gained and to find a way to hold on to that. We do not have to return to normal. We can craft a way of working and living that better suits us, and no, I’m not advocating that you quit your job, but you can set boundaries around work. You can make the things that light you up a priority and protect that time and space. There’s a reason we are seeing people taking up the ‘quiet resignation’ (which FYI annoys the piss out of me because it’s just doing your job instead of sacrificing your life on the alter of work), because they want something more out of life.

Sometimes we don’t know what that something more is. Sometimes we don’t know how to set boundaries and get people to respect them. Sometimes we are too overwhelmed with life to even figure out the next thing. If any of that resonates with you, then please reach out. I’d love to talk.


Going into the new year with a little less pressure


How to find focus: In an Out of Focus World