How to Get Sh*t Done While Overwhelmed and Anxious

A Group Coaching Program for high-functioning women who want to feel like themselves again.

You know who you are. You’ve got goals, you’ve got things you are passionate about and you want to be doing them, but right now you feel overwhelmed and anxious just thinking about getting sh*t done. Or, you’ve got so many balls up in the air and you don’t even know which one to drop, toss or focus on. Join this group coaching program to learn how to meet yourself where you are at today, and how to be productive in a way that works for you.

Y’all, sometimes life is just too much.

You need a way to get the important life things done even when you are struggling to get out of bed.

A couple of quick tips just isn’t going to cut it — you need help to find out how to quiet the white noise in your brain, prioritize what needs to get done and find the best way to hold yourself accountable to get sh*t done. So how do we do it?

Well, first up, if you are overwhelmed and anxious, you are not alone.

If anyone has told you: buck up buttercup, when life gives you lemons then make lemonade, every cloud has a silver lining, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, or any of the myriad positive thoughts that we are supposed to think, and you’ve wanted to kick that person in the teeth, then I’ve got you.

Sometimes you don’t have it in you to turn lemons into lemonade. So, what can you do?

Join my group coaching program and learn to meet yourself where you are at today, get gentle accountability tailored to how you work, learn mind shifts around procrastination and productivity, acknowledge the challenges you are currently facing in your life, and so much support. This program is built to help people who are dealing with daily life, mental or physical illness, who are neurodivergent, or simply feeling stuck.

How to Get Sh*t Done: Group Coaching Program

A monthly program that includes:

  • An individual life coaching session with me to help you get clear on what you want to be focusing on in your life

  • Bi-weekly group coaching

  • A micro-course that will be rolled out to you weekly

  • Weekly accountability that is tailored to your accountability style

  • A Discord channel for all of us to help each other

  • Monthly co-working sessions to get together and get sh*t done. You can work on a personal project or a work project.

This program is built with you in mind. You may love weekly emails, but hate the idea of showing up for a coaching session. You may hate emails, but love chatting with people on discord. You can choose your own adventure and still get the support and information that you need in order to succeed.

This program is built for people who are struggling to get sh*t done. You may have a big project or a passion project, or simply need support with day-to-day life.

The commitment is only three months, and at a special introductory offer of $57 per month. If you need a discounted rate or a longer payment plan, please let me know, it's available to everyone.

Get the help and support you need today and sign up now.

Imagine being with a group of smart, passionate, neurodivergent, multi-passionate women, who just get it. You don’t have to pretend to have it all together and you can whole-heartedly show up as yourself.

Our discord group has a weekly check in and an accountability channel. We all support each other in working through challenging situations, dealing with procrastination and perfectionism, or struggling with a bad day. You’ll find the support and resources you crave and need.

In our group coaching sessions we work on some common challenges like: accountability, procrastination, perfectionism, learning how to rest, how to say ‘no’, how to find your passion again, how to manage getting sh*t done while neurodivergent and so much more.

Plus you can show up to coaching with anything you are struggling with that day. It can be a difficult conversation, a mind-shift you need help with, or special help dealing with procrastination and perfectionism. This program is tailored to your needs.

I struggle with anxiety, depression, seasonal affective disorder, and I am neurodivergent.

I’ve been there. I’ve been stuck on the couch with netflix asking me if I was still watching (um yeah! thanks for shaming me netflix) and not being able to even do the things that I love. I’m a crafter and I love textiles and yarn, but not even crafting held any appeal.

So, I learned what my accountability style was and reached out for help. I worked with a life coach to help me with my ‘stuckness’. I created life systems that supported my health and wellness, and my ability to do the things I love. That in turn lead to learning how to focus, make a plan, and get it done. I’ve created the coaching program that I wish I could joined when I was struggling.

You don’t have to do this alone. Join us today.