Should-Less Days

I listened to an interview with the actor Ellen Burstyn on the podcast Death, Sex and Money years ago and one thing she said has stuck with me. She has days “where there’s nothing I should do," or should-less days.

I talked a little bit on my instagram page about how I was in a bit of a funk last week. I hit the reset button on my journaling, vitamin taking and movement, which helped a ton. Except, I was still not 100% me when I hit the weekend. When Sunday rolled around I realized there really wasn’t any use fighting it and so I had a should-less day.

The ‘should’s reared their ugly head. I should clean the house, do yoga (I think Sweetie has the right idea!), get some sewing done, do some journaling, or just get off the couch. Instead I took a nap, read and watched a little too much tv. When Monday rolled around I was feeling like myself again.

I think sometimes fighting the funk (notice I said funk, not depression, because it is a very different thing) is futile. I’ll just take a day and roll around in those funk feelings like a pig in a pigpen. That may mean eating comfort food, staying in my pajamas all day and overindulging in mind numbing activities.

The key here is to give it a day. Let go of the ‘shoulds’ and embrace your should-less day. Then hit the reset button and return to your routine. Have you had a should-less day lately?


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