Meditate on the body

Rocks piled up on a boulder

Many of you probably clicked away saying ‘oh heck no’! If you are still here, then congratulate yourself for your bravery.

How often do you just pause and notice your body. We go through our days pretty disconnected from our body. We don’t always connect with our body until it sends up a flare saying- “hello there!! I’m in pain”. I think that if we were to do a more frequent body scan we could give our body what it needs. Either a break from the computer, some stretching or maybe a walk.

This can be a very simple exercise. If you are in a public space you can do this with your eyes open. Close your eyes if you feel comfortable, if you are sitting feel the weight of your body sinking into the chair, or if you are standing sometimes a light sway can feel good. Now scan your body from top to bottom. Notice if there are any places that pinch or grumble and breath into them. If it is what your body desires, take three deep belly breaths, or if not just continue to breath normally. Open your eyes if they were closed and move on.

One of the challenges with body image issues is that we are so disconnected with our bodies. In order to get to a point where we accept our bodies, body neutrality, or can begin to love our bodies, we need to be connected to them.

Give your body a little attention each and every day.


Ways to Move Towards Body Neutrality


how to manage those body image thoughts